SEN/SEND – Changes to support the SEN2 Person Level Return (3.79)


Designated Medical / Clinical Officers

A new panel named LA Level Return Details is available to record this information. It is accessed via Focus | Analysis Reporting | Data Collection | SEN Returns | SEN2 Person Level.

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Lookup codes

Additional codes have been added to lookup table 0328 – Inactive Reason:

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These lookup codes are recorded as an Inactive Reason on an EHCP Assessment Involvement, EHCP Re-assessment Involvement and SEN Assessment Involvement.

They replace the code for Request withdrawn or ceased before decision to assess was made. The codes for the following have been removed:

  • Transferred to another LA before decision to assess
  • Transferred to another LA before plan issued
  • Plan issued after assessment was completed by another LA

On Panel 2: Placement,a new field Placement Type Reason is displayed when a Placement Type of Other is recorded.

Where Placement Type Reason is not recorded for a Placement Type of Other, then COLLECT will prompt local authorities to enter that information when submitting the return.

This is for either of the following instances:

  • a placement named on the plan that is currently being attended
  • a placement named on the plan that is not currently being attended

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