Statutory – Admissions Files: export phone number associated with admission application (3.76)


A change has been made to provide the parent/carer phone number associated with the admission application provided via Citizen portal, and not the phone number which is linked to the child address.

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When ATF files are exported to schools, they now get the correct and valid phone number of the child’s parent/carer.
When the ATF file is exported:
  1. The phone number in the pupil container is the one supplied by the parent/carer during their admissions application, rather than the phone number associated with the address.

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  2. The phone number in the carer container is the one supplied by the parent/carer during their admissions application, rather than the phone number associated with the address.

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  3. If the carer/applicant contact details are not available from their admissions application, the phone number available in v4 client person details (06. Contact Details panel) is used instead.

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  4. If the carer/applicant contact details are not available from their admissions application, the phone number available in v4 client student details (05. Contact Details panel) is used instead.

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Phone numbers are selected in the following order:
  1. Mobile number
  2. Home number
  3. Work number
A&T Back Office

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ATF file

Student container

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Carer container

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