Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: New resettlement questions in Pathways & Planning (3.78)


YOT practitioners can record additional release arrangements in the Pathways & Planning module in order to support resettlement of young people from the secure estate into the community.

Resettlement section added in Pathways & Planning for the following stage types:

  • Pre-Release from Custody
  • Review (custodial sentences only – while in custody)
  • Review (custodial sentences only – on licence)
  • Case Closure (custodial sentences only)

Resettlement section removed from Post Court Report and Placement Notification stages.

Addition of new release arrangements questions

A new subset of questions have been added to Is the young person eligible for universal credit? and two additional questions have also been added.

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Is the young person eligible for universal credit?
If yes the following displays:

  • If yes, was the claim applied for in advance of release?
    Yes, No, Yet to clarify.  If yes the following displays:
  • Date of claim application

Has education, training or employment been organised for the young person to attend on release?
Yes, No, Yet to clarify.  If yes the following displays:

  • If yes, what type of ETE provision has been organised for the young person?
  • Date ETE secured

Is the young person registered with a GP?
Yes, No, Yet to clarify.  Default to Yes under the following conditions in either Core Record> Contact with Services or Pathways and Planning > Resettlement:
Where GP contact details | Name of doctor/Practice is populated AND at least two data items for Address plus Postcode are populated.

Addition of new resettlement questions

A new question Have any of the following resettlement pathways been identified as support needs for release? has been added.

Click image to enlarge. Use browser back button to return.

In the Action taken field, if Other (please specify) is selected, a mandatory free text field Action taken (other) displays.

If Other support needs is Yes, a mandatory text field Other support needs (please describe) displays.


Helpfile updated


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